
Flashcards in the ANKI Cloze Format to Import

Format Definition

The format will be a TSV (Tab-Separated Values) file consisting of the following columns:

The columns are separated by a tab character (\t) and the rows are separated by a new line character (\n). The file should be saved with the .tsv extension.

Format Example

{cloze-context}	{stem}	{flashcard-explanation}

Example with Data

Either one is {{c1::tantalizing}}, but together they are enough to drive you to madness. 	tantalizing	Explanation1
They came through {{c1::sewers}}, wading through the filth and muck, heartbeats erratic and fearful. 	sewers	Explanation two
Through the barred window in my cell door, I watched them {{c1::skulk}} down the brick-lined hallway with great caution. 	skulk	Explanation 3

This format is specifically designed for the ANKI Cloze format, facilitating the creation of cloze deletion cards where the learner is prompted to recall the missing information (the stem) within a given context. The cloze-context provides the sentence or phrase with the missing word, promoting active recall and engagement with the content.